Take your time and good luck!


A patient will be discharged from the hospital today. Which person will most likely arrange the discharge of this patient to his or her own home, to a nursing home, or assisted living facility?



The charge nurse is notified that the unit will be receiving an admission of a client from another bed in the hospital in order to make room for others being admitted through the emergency room. The unit is the Women’s Health Center of the hospital. Which of the following people would be most appropriate to be transferred to this unit?



The nurse working at an acute care hospital is transferring a patient to a skilled nursing facility. The patient’s vital signs documented at 1400 are: T-37.5 degrees Celsius, P- 88, RR-16, BP135/70, Sp02 93% on RA. The following vital signs documented at 1800, just prior to discharge, are as follows: T-38.5 degrees Celsius, P-102, RR- 18, BP- 158/82, Sp02-91% on RA. What should be the nurse’s next course of action?



A group of nurses who work on the quality assurance council of a unit have gathered to discuss ideas about how to educate their coworkers about Joint Commission requirements. Each of the nurses gives ideas, which are listed together without initially criticizing any of the suggestions. Eventually, all ideas on the list will be discussed as to their validity. This activity is known as:



Richard is a 72-year-old with stage 4 lung cancer who has been admitted to the hospital for pneumonia. He is alert and oriented, and states he would like to sign a do not resuscitate (DNR) order. His wife enters the room after he has signed it and is very upset that he has made this decision without discussing it with her. She wants to know what she can do to get the DNR reversed. What should your first response be?



You are on the unit and overhear another nurse talking on the phone to a patient’s friend who wants to see her patient who is comatose and on a ventilator. Since you cared for that patient yesterday, you know that the patient’s significant other, who is also the designated health care surrogate (HCS) and has power of attorney (POA), has expressly stated that he wants this person on the list for restricted visitors. The nurse whispers that she’ll call him to visit as soon as the significant other has gone home. What should your first response be? 



Upon entering an elderly patient’s room, you find a research assistant with a clipboard, obtaining consent to participate in a new study. After signing the form, the patient begins to ask questions about the study. The assistant smiles and says, “Don’t worry about all that, we’ll take good care of you. Now enjoy the chocolate I brought.” What should your first response be?



Jack is a 2-month-old with a diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type I. He has been admitted to the hospital for progressive respiratory difficulty. His parents have been informed that if he is not placed on ventilatory support, he will continue to decompensate and die of respiratory failure. Jack’s physician discusses the poor prognosis of Jack’s condition, and tells the parents that he will not be able to be removed from ventilatory support once it is initiated, due to his progressive neurological disease. After much discussion, the parents have decided to decline ventilatory support, agree to a do not resuscitate (DNR) order, and request hospice care for Jack. Another parent heard them discussing Jack’s situation in the waiting room and says she could never do that to her baby. What is the most appropriate response to this parent?



Victor is a 43-year-old patient who is HIV positive with a diagnosis of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) who has been admitted to the hospital. His prognosis is very poor, and his partner, Roger, would like to have a ceremony performed in his room to honor their union in case something happens to Victor, who is in agreement. What is the most appropriate response to their request?



A victim of a gunshot wound to the abdomen has been admitted to the hospital, accompanied by a police officer. When questioned, the officer states that the patient is a suspect in a homicide, which occurred as part of the same incident. A small child was killed as the result of a stray bullet. The patient is combative, yells that he’s in pain and demands medication. What is your most appropriate response?



Which of the following is an example of a positive effect of exercise on a client?



You have been assigned to take an apical pulse for one of the patients on the nursing unit. How will you do this?



When a nurse does a pulse, he should note which of the following?



What term is used to describe the sexual response changes among middle aged men?



Mr. Roberts, a 68-year-old man, notices a gradual loss of hearing. This sensory change is called______________.



Changes, such as retirement, grand parenting and increased dependence on others, are examples of what kind of changes?



The community health nurse is educating a group of middle-aged women about recommended health screenings. Which of the following statements indicates that the client has understood the recommended health screenings for a 50-year-old female?



A physician’s order instructs a nurse to take a temperature at the axilla. Where would the nurse place the thermometer?



The pulse point located on the top of the foot is:



Over a patient’s lifespan, the pulse rate: 



Geriatric failure to thrive (GFTT) has 4 major characteristics. Of the following, which is NOT one of them?



In which of the following ways can the nurse promote the sense of taste for an older adult?



A nurse is caring for a client who died approximately one hour ago. The nurse notes that the client’s temperature has decreased in the last hour since his death. Which of the following processes explains this phenomenon?



A nurse is caring for Mrs. T, a client with expressive aphasia. During a bath, she begins to gesture wildly and point toward the bath water, yet is unable to say anything. Which response from the nurse is most appropriate?



A patient with leukemia is being taken off life support and the patient’s daughter says to the nurse “This should be my mom dying, not my dad. She has drank all these years and is still living.” Which stage of grief is the daughter in according to Kubler-Ross:



Which of the following interventions is most appropriate for a client with a diagnosis of Risk for Activity Intolerance?



A nurse is working with Mr. L, a client who is being seen for disrupted sleep patterns. The nurse encourages Mr. L to verbalize his feelings about sleep and his inability to maintain adequate sleep habits. What is the rationale for this action?



Which of the following is an example of physical abuse?



A patient has a goal of eating at least 50% of each meal. The patient refuses to eat so a nurse force feeds the patient in order for them to reach their goal of eating at least 50% of the meal. The nurse has committed_______against this patient.



Assuming that an elderly patient will have a difficult time understanding the directions for how to take medication is an example of:



A nurse is preparing to administer an enema to a 64-year old client. Which of the following actions of the nurse is most appropriate?



Which of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin?



A nurse is preparing to administer an enteral feeding through a gastrostomy tube. Before administering the feeding, the nurse aspirates some stomach contents and checks the pH. The result is 3.9. What is the next action of the nurse?



How many cc s are there in 25 ounces?



Which of the following boney landmarks is described by, “large, blunt, irregularly shaped process, such as that found on the lateral aspect of the proximal femur”?



A nurse is assessing an African American client for risks of a pressure ulcer. Which of the following best describes what the nurse might find with an early pressure ulcer in this client?



A nurse is preparing to irrigate a client’s indwelling catheter through a closed, intermittent system. Which of the following steps must the nurse take as part of this process?



Which of the following is a negative outcome associated with impaired mobility?



A client with asthma is being admitted for breathing difficulties. His arterial blood gas results are pH 7.26, PCO2 49, PaO2 90, and HCO3- 21. Which of the following best describes this condition?



How does shock usually progress?


Question 1 of 40

800 Questions & Answers (PDF Format)


What is the NCLEX-RN Exam?

NCLEX-RN is short for National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses. It is the nursing certification and licensing exam that entry-level nurses must pass before working in nursing. The exam’s unique format tests candidates on the choices they would make, and how they would prioritize those choices when presented with real-world circumstances.

The NCLEX is administered by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. (NCSBN). NCSBN is a nonprofit organization whose US members include nursing regulatory agencies in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and four US territories.

What is the format of the NCLEX-RN Exam?

NCLEX is the world’s premier licensing exam and uses Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) technology to deliver the exam. Every time you answer a question correctly, the next question will be more challenging. That’s because the computer re-estimates your ability every time you answer a question.

To help you become familiar with this type of exam software, the National Council State Boards of Nursing, Inc. provides a candidate tutorial with instructions on how to answer the different types of NCLEX items you will encounter during the exam.

Is the NCLEX-RN exam difficult?

A common question about the NCLEX is whether the test is difficult. The test is challenging but should not be “too hard”. Although the questions are designed to get progressively more difficult each time you answer correctly, the computer selects the next question you should have. 50% chance of answering correctly.

Consequently, each question presented to you should be neither too easy nor too difficult. The computerized test format is designed to discover your true skill level. Therefore, you should expect to be challenged but not overwhelmed when taking this test.

What score do you need to pass the NCLEX-RN Exam?

Passing the standards is reassessed by the NCSBN Board of Directors every three years when testing plans are revised. Effective until March 31, 2023, the passing standard is 0.00 logits. This means that if you get a positive number, and answer more questions correctly than incorrectly, you pass.

The NCLEX-RN 2021 Pass Rate for US-educated candidates taking the test for the first time was around 82.5%. Breaking down this category, those with a bachelor’s degree passed the exam approximately 86% of the time, while those with an associate’s degree almost 79% of the time. This statistic highlights how a bachelor’s degree program, such as the BSN Program at Brookline College, can significantly increase a candidate’s chances of passing the exam the first time.

What is on the NCLEX-RN Exam?

What is the NCLEX-RN exam? The NCLEX-RN exam includes questions for each category and subcategory of client needs, as outlined in the NCLEX-RN Test Plan. The percentage of questions in each category and subcategory may vary. Below are the Customer Needs topics and the percentage of questions from each category that may appear when taking the exam.

How many questions are on the NCLEX-RN Exam?

Due to the Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) format, the length of the exam can range from 75 to 145 items. Of these items, 15 are pretest items that are not scored. The time limit to take the exam is five hours, regardless of how many questions are administered during the exam. When replying, you can consider your answer and change it. However, once you select the ‘Next’ button, you can no longer change your answer for that item, and the next question is chosen for you to answer.

How do you register for the NCLEX-RN Exam?

The NCLEX-RN registration process consists of two parts when applying to nursing regulatory bodies in the US and Canada.

First, you must contact your Nursing Regulatory Body (NRB) and request a license/registration application. You will need to pay the license/registration fee when you submit your application. Please note that you must obtain your application in the state/province/territory where you seek license/registration.
You must then register with Pearson VUE (testing provider) online or by calling Pearson VUE Candidate Services at 866-496-2539. You will need to pay the exam fee at the time of registration.

Where can you take the NCLEX-RN Exam?

Once you have completed the steps above and are eligible, you will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) email. It is important that you be vigilant because you will need this email to schedule an appointment to take the exam.

At this point, you can choose your test location. The NCLEX is offered at both domestic and international locations, and you can locate a test center near you. Once you select a testing location, you can schedule your exam appointment through Pearson VUE Candidate Services using the site and phone number listed in step 2 above.

How much does it cost to take the NCLEX-RN Exam?

The cost of the NCLEX-RN exam is $200.00 in the US and $360.00 in Canada. Additional NCLEX-RN fees may also apply for international scheduling, changing nursing regulatory body, changing exam type (RN/PN), or changing exam language.

You will need to pay for your exam and complete your registration with a credit, debit, or prepaid card. Visa, MasterCard and American Express are accepted. It is important to note that refunds of registration fees are not offered for any reason.

How many times can you take the NCLEX-RN Exam?

NCSBN’s make-up policy allows candidates to take the NCLEX-RN exam eight times a year, with 45 non-exam days between exams. However, some jurisdictions may have stricter limits on the number of exams a candidate can take annually.

To retake the exam, contact the NRB and let them know you plan to retake the exam. They will inform you of any additional charges or materials that will be required. They will also send you a new email from ATT so you can review your NCLEX-RN exam dates and reschedule your exam, as described earlier in this article.

Still exploring a career as BSN?

We hope this NCLEX-RN study guide has provided you with valuable tips on how to pass the NCLEX-RN exam. But if you’re still considering a career as a registered nurse, you’ll want to enroll in a strong nursing program that will give you the foundation to prepare to pass the NCLEX-RN Exam.