100 Questions & Answers (PDF Format)

What is Life and Health Insurance?

Every one of the 50 states expect you to be authorized so as to sell life and additionally wellbeing (incapacity, mishap, infection) protection arrangements. This necessity regularly stretches out to authoritative staff also, for example, Customer Service Representatives (CSR), who talk about, make changes to, or generally oversee life and medical coverage arrangements.

Life and health care coverage secures the accounts of an individual as well as their family in case of the demise of the strategy holder (life coverage) or a restorative issue that requires proficient treatment (medical coverage).

What Kinds of Policies Can Life and Health Insurance Agents Sell?

  • Term-life insurance
  • Whole life insurance
  • Disability insurance
  • Annuities
  • Long Term Care
  • Medicare

Who Needs to Carry a Life and Health Insurance License?

To sell life and medical coverage, a specialist must have a suitable permit given by the state where they practice. Despite the fact that extra security and medical coverage licenses are regularly given independently, numerous states offer an actual existence and wellbeing permit that spreads the two territories.

Deals operators must have an actual existence and medical coverage permit if the extent of their obligations envelops these kinds of approaches. Furthermore, appraisers and coaches utilized at insurance agency are once in a while required to convey one of these licenses.

Requirements for a Life and Health Insurance License

To obtain your license, you must pass a life and health insurance license exam. The exam covers topics such as the following:

  • Insurance regulations
  • Life insurance basics
  • Health insurance basics
  • Disability insurance
  • Group health insurance
  • Federal tax considerations for health insurance

Explicit prerequisites shift by state, yet you can expect some place in the scope of 100-150 various decision questions and a necessary passing score of 70% or more prominent. Protection permit tests are typically given at an open testing focus.

Most states require authorized specialists to be fingerprinted and to experience a historical verification. There is typically an on location fingerprinting expert at the testing focus where you take your test.

What Do You Have to Do to Maintain a Valid License?

All states require authorized protection operators to experience occasional proceeding with training (CE) to revive their protection information and find out about new laws affecting the protection business. CE prerequisites shift by state.

How Often Do I Have to Renew It?

Once more, it relies upon the specific state where you are listed, yet as a rule you will be required to restore your permit like clockwork or somewhere in the vicinity.

Important information about this practice test

The Life Insurance Practice Test (National) helps familiarize you with the test-taking experience. While the content of practice tests is not the same as the content of the actual exam, the questions are representative of the types of questions you will see on the exam and are specific to life insurance.

The exam contains 50 items related to general life insurance topics and 25 items associated with modified state content. General topics include:

  • Types of Policies
  • Policy Riders, Provisions and Options and Exclusions
  • Completing the Application, Underwriting, and Delivering the Policy
  • Taxes, Retirement and Other Insurance Concepts.

The 25 modified state content items provide a sample of the types of items that may appear in the state sections of an actual exam. Modified state topics include:

  • Licensing Requirements
  • Definitions
  • Marketing Practices.